
Monday, January 26, 2015

The Power of Women

I've never really had a lot of female friends, in fact for most of my life I avoided friendships with women like the plague. It was my experience that most women were petty, spiteful, jealous, all things I wanted to avoid, so I did. I was able to count my female friends on one hand, and have fingers left over, most of my female friends today are friends I made in childhood. So I never in a million years would I have imagined that I would have large group of female friends, much less that they would change my life. Yet that is just what happened.

When I began my weight loss journey I was introduced to a marvelous group of women, women who would come to have an enormous effect on my life.  The ladies of Team Dream Big, a group of women from all different walks of life, all on the same journey. These women would become my support group, encouraging me to exercise, to eat clean, to post pictures, pushing me along on the road to health and happiness. They were (and are) relentless, and they played a big role in helping me lose weight and keep it off.
At first I was very reluctant to interact with these women, to participate in the groups, and the chats, I just wasn't feeling it. It wasn't me. I was a loner, who often disdained the company of women, I didn't like groups, and I certainly didn't make friends easy. But they kept pushing me, tagging me in comments, pictures, adding me to chats, messaging me just to see how I was doing, it was slowly driving me insane. In an effort to get my coach and friend Carla off my back, I started somewhat participating, I figured they'd leave me alone then. No such luck. Instead they added me to more stuff, and they started cheering me on. Little by little, without me noticing, these persistent women were HELPING me to lose weight, and stay on the right path. I shed 65lbs with them cheering me on and supporting me. They celebrated every small non scale victory with me, they gave me recipes, tips, and ideas, they kept me on point.

By the time I lost the 65lbs I realized that somewhere along the way, this crazy group of women had become my friends. We shared our ups (graduations, pregnancies, promotions, engagements), and our downs (death, divorce, depression) with each other. If one of us was having a hard time, we were all there to help, to listen, to pray. We had created a circle of friendship unlike anything I have ever seen, women empowering women. We are in constant contact with each other, cheering each other on, and really supporting each other.

I no longer mind posting in the groups, or the constant chats popping up. I find myself looking forward to talking to these women, to sharing my day with them. They pushed me toward personal development, and keep me accountable, with my goals clearly in mind. They are there to catch me should I falter (and I will) on my weight loss journey. The accept me for me, and we embrace each others differences.

I never imagined the power of female friendships, and what it would do to transform my life. In the short span of time that I have known these women they have helped me change into a better person. They helped me lose weight, find my passion for helping people, they helped open my eyes to new possibilities, they helped me learn to run a business, they helped me learn to love myself, and every day they help me become a better version of myself.

So this blog is to you, my crazy, wonderful, amazing team. You powerful Big Dreamers, I couldn't have done this, or come this far without your help. Your constant pushing and sometimes nagging (That's you I'm talking to Elizabeth) has made me a much better person, and please don't ever stop. I love every single one of you and could not imagine being on this journey without you.

Carla you saved me when you reached out to help, Michelle your leadership keeps this ship afloat, Amber your transformation (physical and mental) is inspiring. Erika your food prep pictures are how I learned how to do it, so thank you. Qiana I could not live without your wit, or your delicious recipes. Katie, your nerdiness, and love of all things LOTR and Star Trek make you a jewel in my eyes. Kenita, Yoly, Sasha, Diana, Alicia  I have loved watching your transformations as well. Desiree, what can I say, I love the hair. Cindy, you make me cry with your blog, and inspire me with your strength. Last but certainly not least, my wonderful success partner, Elizabeth, you will nag me all the way to perfection. Thank you, I need it. I love you all, and love being on this crazy journey with all of you. Everyone should be so lucky as to have a group of women like you in there corner.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing! Fate brought our tram together and I will always cue the friendships we have made. I too can now say I have girlfriends.

  2. Love this! !! *tears of joy* reading this. Thank you so much for sharing this. No looking back, we aren't going that way! !!! Xo
