
Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New You for the New Year

It's the start of a new year, and 2015 brings with it endless possibilities. As the first day of the new year draws to a close I can't help but think back on all the things that happened in 2014. Like every year it had its highs and lows, laughter and tears, but it was also the start of the new and much improved me. It was the year I began my journey of fitness and personal development, it was the year I made major changes and saw big results. It was the year of Dreaming Big.

Here are some of the highs of 2014:

* Joined Beachbody & Team Dream Big
* Lost 65lbs
*Starting my own business as a coach, and earning $ with it.
*Moved into a bigger better apartment
*Flew Joe's mom down to visit
*My parents coming to stay the entire summer
*Joe getting hired for a great position
*Started home schooling Gabe
*Starting free challenge groups to help people
*Being able to buy all the Christmas gifts with money I earned from my Business.
*My cousin moving to same apartment complex
*Spending New Years at home with family.

Yep 2014 was a great year for me. I set goals for myself and did what I had to in order to accomplish them. I started taking personal development seriously, and taking the Smart Success training really helped to put my priorities in perspective. In 2015 I plan to continue changing for the better, to become the absolute best version of myself I can be. This new year I will devote myself to paying forward, and helping to change lives for the better. My goals for 2015 are:

*I will save $200 a month into Gabe's account.
*I will work my business and become a Diamond Coach.
*I will have my Beachbody income surpass my current salary, and become my primary income.
*I will work on personal development 3 times a week.
*I will continue to eat clean and workout 6-7 days a week.
*I will spend more family time doing outdoor activities.
*I will get married
*I will go on a cruise with Gabe & Joe
*I will work my business 5 days a week and adhere to a schedule.
*I will pay it forward and help 3 people a month.

You notice how I wrote "I will" down before every goal. That's because I'm putting it out there, letting the Universe know: This will happen! I will work consistently to meet my goals and I know I will accomplish them. There is no stopping me now that I am on this journey to improve not only my life, but the lives of others as well.

What are your goals for this new year? What will you do to accomplish them? Don't bother making resolutions, they are rarely ever kept. Instead make goals, and set a plan for how you will reach them. Always keep in mind that when we fail to plan, we plan to fail.

May 2015 bring you all nothing but happiness and prosperity. Thank you for sticking with me through the year. Here's to another one :)

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