
Monday, January 13, 2014

A World of Wonder

      I made several New Years resolutions for 2014, and one of them was to finally do something about my desire to write, to put my words out there for others to read. I decided to start a blog, and the only thing left was to choose what type of blog it would be. Since I'm a new mom who just moved her family half way across the country (New York to Texas), in search of a better life, I figured I'd start with that. All that was left was to think of was a title for my blog. Being a fan of Lewis Carroll, and as bewildered and enchanted by motherhood as Alice was by Wonderland, the name came easy enough.

      Through the looking glass. That's exactly what I feel like I fell through ever since Gabe's big eyes met mine when they put him in my arms. It has been an amazing and wondrous journey.

The day my life changed forever 10/20/2011

One filled with laughter, delight, frustration, tears, visits to the doctor and loud sounds. That's the one thing I learned fast, if you have a boy (specially one who likes to scale walls, or "do tricks" ) get ready for a lot of breathless moments, and loud crashes.

      While it may seem like just yesterday when they placed him in my arms, two years have passed, and in those two years this little man has changed my life, and engulfed me in the purest love I've ever known. He lit a fire in my soul (and under my ass) forcing me reevaluate my priorities, and get started on providing him the best life possible. He changed Joe (Daddy) as well, from a determined bachelor, into a family man who can spend hours playing with his son on a Saturday afternoon.

      It was because of Gabe that we drove away from New York, the place that was home, to Texas and towards our future. It seemed like a crazy move to many at first, but we knew that here we could give Gabe the life we wanted for him, and give ourselves a fresh start as a family. God must have been on our side, because this was the best decision we could have made. Life in Austin, Texas is better than we imagined, and seeing Gabe run around outside everyday, exploring the outdoors with a happy smile and dirty hands, is proof enough that we made the right decision.

                                           Enjoying the pool at our apartment complex

                                                                  Joe LOVES Texas.

       I won't say it was easy, because it wasn't, but six months later we are settled into our new lives. We both have jobs we love, a beautiful home, and time to go out with Gabe and explore the beauty of Texas. I was able to put my degree and past work experience to use, which landed me a fabulous job with an amazing company. I work from home which means Gabe can stay home with me, and we don't lose the quality time I've come to cherish. Of course it also means that sometimes while I'm working, and on the phone, you can hear the wild shouts of  "I'm a GIANT T-Rex ARRRGGGGGHHH". But hey that's life with a two year old.

                                                              Gabe's first pony ride

     I am grateful everyday for Gabe and all the wonder he has brought into our lives. I will strive to be the best mom I can be, and not pull all my hair out in the process. I look forward to the future and the little adventures that everyday life with Gabe brings.


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