Ok, it's time to get real. Be warned I may use foul language and graphic imagery as I recount my tale.
SHAKEOLOGY has saved my Father's life! No, this is not a bullshit ploy to get you to buy Shakeology, right now I am just thanking God my father is ALIVE. He was almost gone from us and none of us knew how fucking close he was to dying. In fact if he hadn't come to Texas to visit, and started Shakeology at my insistence it's extremely likely he would have died. At least that's what the doctor told me as I stood in horrified silence listening to him spout words like CONGESTIVE HEAR FAILURE, lung collapses, pulmonary infections!!
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
When my 72 year old father arrived here with my mom he was in the worst shape of his life. He weighed 220lbs ( 50 lbs overweight) and could barely walk, he was using a cane because his legs were severely swollen. He had a terrible hacking cough that never seemed to fade, and only got worse at night. In other words, he was a hot mess.
I started him on Shakeology and the 21 Day Fix right away, and got him used to doing at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. We began with the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse, and he went from 220 to 214 in just 3 days. Later I learned from his doctor that water retention is a sign of heart failure.
The next 21 days I made sure he stuck to the eating plan and that he got his daily dose of physical activity in, whether it was walking with Gabe, swimming, or using the gym. He fought me at first, not wanting to give up his comfy spot on the couch, but we kept at it. In one month he went from 220 to 200lbs. You have no idea what a relief it was to see him shed some weight and los the walking stick.
Working out together!
Hiking up Mount Bonnell
And still that damn cough wouldn't go away, it just kept lingering like an unwanted guest. Finally I couldn't take it any more and took him to the Emergency room early Tuesday morning. Let me just say St. David's is an AMAZING hospital with state of the art technology, and the friendliest staff I have ever encountered. My father was admitted for what we initial thought was bronchitis and a slew of tests were run on him. After about an hour a doctor came to inform me that my father was suffering congestive heart failure, that his heartbeat was extremely slow and his heart was barely pumping out any blood. His heart had been like this for months the doctor explained, and I had some decisions to make. Did I want them to start him on blood thinners? What about resuscitation, did we want them to try all measures to save his life? No to blood thinners, yes to resuscitation.
I stood there and listened as the doctor explained that we had gotten him to Emergency room in time, and that my dad would be fine, but they needed to keep him for a few days to make sure the pulmonary infection was gone, and that his heartbeat was regular. But he would be ok, as long as he continued to lose weight and take care of himself.
It turned out that being severely overweight greatly taxed my Father's heart, which then led to liquid being retained in the lungs, swollen legs, ankles, and feet, as well as disorientation. According to the doctor some time ago my dad's heat began to pump irregularly, then it started pumping very slowly resulting in the blood becoming almost stagnant, which then led to the pulmonary infection. Had he remained overweight, or gained weight his heart would have ceased to beat altogether. What saved him was that he started losing weight and eating healthy, which led to his heart pumping slightly better, allowing his overall health to improve. Unfortunately by the time he got to me, and lost some weight, the pulmonary infection was too strong which led to him being hospitalized.
He has been there for 2 days and the change in him since they regulated his heartbeat and starting fighting the infection has been remarkable. I take him his dose of Shakeology everyday, and the nurses make sure he gets his exercise. Tomorrow he should be released and finally be on the road to a healthier lifestyle. BUT HE ALMOST DIED!
I showed the doctor the Shakeology bag, and told him about the 21 Day Fix eating style. He said I should make sure my father continues to drink it everyday and that I had probably saved my dad's life since without losing weight he surely would have perished by now. My father was slowly dying, and none of us knew it. Now we are doing something about it.
My father almost died, and by losing weight and changing his eating habits he was able to walk away from death's door. So thank you Carl Daikeler for bringing Shakeology to the world, and thank you to Carla Espinoza, for bringing Shakelogy to me and giving me the tools I needed to save my Father's life. My father is alive today because he chose to take control of his health and invest in his body, without the use of Shakeology (which he LOVES), he wouldn't have been able to start shedding the weight needed to REMAIN ALIVE!
I recommend Shakelogy to anyone trying to live a healthy lifestyle. If you have struggled with your health or your weight try this! What have you got to lose? My father (who let's face it isn't exactly doing aerobics) lost 20lbs in 30 days with Shakeology, just imagine what it can do for you! I would love to shout it from the rooftops "USE SHAEKEOLOGY! IT'S FABULOUS!", but I don't want to be arrested for trespassing. So please read this story, and pass it on to anyone you know struggling with their health. Don't give up, there is hope. If my father can walk away from this healthier and stronger than before, then you can too. All you have to do is take that first step.
Don't know how? Contact me: coachsandy1020@gmail.com