
Thursday, August 7, 2014

How Shakeology Saved My Dad

Ok, it's time to get real. Be warned I may use foul language and graphic imagery as I recount my tale.

SHAKEOLOGY has saved my Father's life! No, this is not a bullshit ploy to get you to buy Shakeology, right now I am just thanking God my father is ALIVE. He was almost gone from us and none of us knew how fucking close he was to dying. In fact if he hadn't come to Texas to visit, and started Shakeology at my insistence it's extremely likely he would have died. At least that's what the doctor told me as I stood in horrified silence listening to him spout words like CONGESTIVE HEAR FAILURE, lung collapses, pulmonary infections!!

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

When my 72 year old father arrived here with my mom he was in the worst shape of his life. He weighed 220lbs ( 50 lbs overweight) and could barely walk, he was using a cane because his legs were severely swollen. He had a terrible hacking cough that never seemed to fade, and only got worse at night. In other words, he was a hot mess.

I started him on Shakeology and the 21 Day Fix right away, and got him used to doing at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. We began with the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse, and he went from 220 to 214 in just 3 days. Later I learned from his doctor that water retention is a sign of heart failure.

The next 21 days I made sure he stuck to the eating plan and that he got his daily dose of physical activity in, whether it was walking with Gabe, swimming, or using the gym. He fought me at first, not wanting to give up his comfy spot on the couch, but we kept at it. In one month he went from 220 to 200lbs. You have no idea what a relief it was to see him shed some weight and los the walking stick.

Working out together!

                                                               Hiking up Mount Bonnell

And still that damn cough wouldn't go away, it just kept lingering like an unwanted guest. Finally I couldn't take it any more and took him to the Emergency room early Tuesday morning. Let me just say St. David's is an AMAZING hospital with state of the art technology, and the friendliest staff I have ever encountered. My father was admitted for what we initial thought was bronchitis and a slew of tests were run on him. After about an hour a doctor came to inform me that my father was suffering congestive heart failure, that his heartbeat was extremely slow and his heart was barely pumping out any blood. His heart had been like this for months the doctor explained, and I had some decisions to make. Did I want them to start him on blood thinners? What about resuscitation, did we want them to try all measures to save his life? No to blood thinners, yes to resuscitation.

I stood there and listened as the doctor explained that we had gotten him to Emergency room in time, and that my dad would be fine, but they needed to keep him for a few days to make sure the pulmonary infection was gone, and that his heartbeat was regular. But he would be ok, as long as he continued to lose weight and take care of himself.

It turned out that being severely overweight greatly taxed my Father's heart, which then led to liquid being retained in the lungs, swollen legs, ankles, and feet, as well as disorientation. According to the doctor some time ago my dad's heat began to pump irregularly, then it started pumping very slowly resulting in the blood becoming almost stagnant, which then led to the pulmonary infection. Had he remained overweight, or gained weight his heart would have ceased to beat altogether. What saved him was that he started losing weight and eating healthy, which led to his heart pumping slightly better, allowing his overall health to improve. Unfortunately by the time he got to me, and lost some weight, the pulmonary infection was too strong which led to him being hospitalized.

He has been there for 2 days and the change in him since they regulated his heartbeat and starting fighting the infection has been remarkable. I take him his dose of Shakeology everyday, and the nurses make sure he gets his exercise. Tomorrow he should be released and finally be on the road to a healthier lifestyle. BUT HE ALMOST DIED!

I showed the doctor the Shakeology bag, and told him about the 21 Day Fix eating style. He said I should make sure my father continues to drink it everyday and that I had probably saved my dad's life since without losing weight he surely would have perished by now. My father was slowly dying, and none of us knew it. Now we are doing something about it.

My father almost died, and by losing weight and changing his eating habits he was able to walk away from death's door. So thank you Carl Daikeler for bringing Shakeology to the world, and thank you to Carla Espinoza, for bringing Shakelogy to me and giving me the tools I needed to save my Father's life. My father is alive today because he chose to take control of his health and invest in his body, without the use of Shakeology (which he LOVES), he wouldn't have been able to start shedding the weight needed to REMAIN ALIVE!

I recommend Shakelogy to anyone trying to live a healthy lifestyle. If you have struggled with your health or your weight try this! What have you got to lose? My father (who let's face it isn't exactly doing aerobics) lost 20lbs in 30 days with Shakeology, just imagine what it can do for you! I would love to shout it from the rooftops "USE SHAEKEOLOGY! IT'S FABULOUS!", but I don't want to be arrested for trespassing. So please read this story, and pass it on to anyone you know struggling with their health. Don't give up, there is hope. If my father can walk away from this healthier and stronger than before, then you can too. All you have to do is take that first step.

Don't know how? Contact me:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fighting Diabetes

I became  Beachbody coach in order to benefit front the amazing discounts you get on products and because I fell in love with Shakeology. I stayed a coach, and became focused on helping others when I realized just how great the products are. I wanted to shout "SHAKEOLOGY" from the rooftops, because I felt everyone should be drinking this. Being a Beachbody Coach is not my main source of income. I do it because I want to help others, the way my friend and fellow Beachbody Coach Carla helped me. I do it to "Pay it forward" and because I love being surrounded by such positive and determined people.

When my friend reached out to me inquiring about Shakeology I was ecstatic because I firmly believed I could help her and more importantly, she believed it to.  This is her story, in her words......

"My 21 Day Fix Journey… so far

This is my 10th day in the 21 Day Fix program. I’m doing the exercises, following the eating guide and drinking Shakeology.

I’ve been an insulin-dependent diabetic since October 16, 1991. You never forget dates like this. So it’s been about 23 years now. I have scar tissue all over my abdomen, legs, arms and buttocks from 23 years of multiple daily injections. My body reacts very badly to insulin so I suffer from side effects like hair loss, vertigo, and uneven heartbeats.

Exercise and diet is not a new concept for me. Being a diabetic means strict dieting and constant exercise, but I’m young, and when I was younger still, it sometimes poses a challenge to stay faithful. It’s embarrassing to have to inject when I’m at school, or work, or out with friends or anywhere really. I’ve learned to overcome the unease with having to inject in public (to some degree anyway) because you know what? Who cares?

Then there’s the fact that I want to eat, oh and I’m a Latina. LoL. That’s a lot of fried foods and roast pork … and arroz con gandules. I’ve been seeing a nutritionist since I was 11, so I did eventually learn to be stronger than my urges and to take control of my eating habits. My grandmother, who raised me, didn’t really care for that so I learned how to cook and grocery shop for myself. There were other things that helped me get my act together. Things like a glaucoma scare, blowing up into a whale, and the fact that my kidneys now leak protein. I can never have any more biological children because there’s a 99% chance that my kidneys will fail.

Since I love my life and I happen to be the proud mother of the most beautifully wonderful 10-year-old little boy, I started taking my health very seriously. I lost weight, stuck to a very strict diet and started exercising every day. I really like to Zumba but I do many different workouts. Even with all this, my control was tenuous. One little hiccup and everything would go haywire. It’s takes one second (or one flu-like cold) to destroy all the hard work you’ve been doing for months and it takes weeks to come back. It’s a vicious cycle in that one thing will affect the other and vice versa so it’s complicated to get well again.

Enter the 21 Day Fix. This has completely changed my LIFE! The first days that I started doing the exercise routines and drinking the Shakeology my diabetes started to immediately react. I usually get a lot of hypoglycemia (ironic, isn’t it?) from my long-acting insulin, especially at night. I wake up in the middle of the night extremely dizzy and disoriented with blood sugars that read anywhere between 25 – 50. I’m scared to death that I’ll go comatose or die. That’s a very real possibility. It’s stressful.  Then there’s the constant injecting of the fast-acting insulin every single time I eat something. Every. Single. Time.

I diligently track my glucose levels and since starting the 21 Day Fix, I noticed a huge improvement. I didn’t really connect the dots, at first, until I skipped a dose the night before last. I don’t even know what made me do it (it must’ve been God – he’s so good to me) and the next morning when I checked my glucose… it. Was. NORMAL!! I very nearly cried. It has to be the program. It has to be the Shakeology. I haven’t done anything else differently. I eat more and exercise less with 21 Day Fix and it’s working. It’s been 2 days since I’ve stopped taking the long-acting insulin at night and I haven’t had a problem since. I’m still taking the fast-acting insulin but I need WAAAAy less than I normally do to cover my carb intake. I can also safely eat 2 small snacks during the day without having to take insulin for them. My whole world has been turned upside down. "
WOW! Her words touched me and made me realize my decision to become a coach was the right one.  She has inspired me to continue to try and help as many people as I can, and she has given me hope. My own father has diabetes and  now I am hopeful for the day when, through the use of Shakeology and healthy eating, he can finally be insulin free.  I have made it my mission to try too help as many people with diabetes as I can. There may not be a cure for diabetes yet, but there's a lot to be said for superfoods, exercise and healthy eating.
I am starting a new challenge group for individuals with diabetes who are determined to live a healthy lifestyle, and hopefully achieve freedom from insulin.  If you or anyone you know suffers with this disease, I encourage you to reach out to me.   Let's change lives together!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Why

Today was Mother's Day and I spent it enjoying a nice hike with my family. As we walked up Mt. Bonnell I thought about all the wonderful blessings in my life right now, and how hard we've worked to get to where we are. I felt content in the moment, and peaceful as I observed my fiancé and son explore their surroundings.

I also thought about a question people seem to ask me a lot lately: "Why did you become a Beachbody coach, you already have a great job?". This is a question I've been struggling to answer for quite some time now, and it seemed to me there were so many different reasons, Then today as I watched my 2 1/2 year old son walk 100 steps to the top (never once stopping for a break), and continue to hike for another 45 minutes before announcing he was tired, I realized exactly why I am doing this. I am doing it for him. For the same reason I uprooted us and moved to Texas, in order to better his life. Maybe you are asking yourself, "How is being a Beachbody coach going to better your son's life?". I'll get to that in just a second.


At first the goal was simple: lose weight, regain control of my health, and teach Gabe how to eat healthy. So initially I became a Beachbody coach simply to get the great discounts on the products that were helping me reclaim my health and body. I saw the pounds and inches coming off and I actually looked forward to my daily workout, I learned how, what and when to eat, and I loved it. I saw the benefits to my family immediately. There was no more junk food in the house, soda was banished from our fridge, and we started to engage in outdoor activities every weekend. I saw my family becoming healthier day by day. When your toddler tells you tomato is his favorite fruit, you know you're doing something right.

I was also welcomed into an amazing team of people, all determined individuals, working the Beachbody business and changing lives. I met some amazing women and saw how they made this business work for them , and for some this became a main source of income. I looked a little more into it and saw that about 20% of all Beachbody coaches make it to income levels of  $7000 or better a month. So naturally I thought to myself, "Well why can't that be me?". So I set out to learn everything I could, and participate in all the groups and events. It wasn't long before I had some money coming in, and was helping people in ways I hadn't thought possible before. Sure, the money coming in is small amounts, nothing over $500 a month yet, but that small amount makes a big difference to me and my family. It's extra money for food, or activities, or as it turns out a 2 bedroom apartment upgrade. Now that I know it can be done I am determined to grow my business, to become one of the 20% and use that money to become financially independent.

So yes I do have a great career working from home for an amazing company, but I decided to invest in Beachbody, and really in myself, because I saw an opportunity for greatness. I picture my business growing allowing me to invest the money in mutual funds, or other long term investments, all for Gabe's benefit. So not only am I losing weight, and my family is getting healthy, but now I am making money for our future as well. Oh and I'm making this money by helping others, who like me are lost on the path to weight loss. What's not to love?

In the end Gabe is my "Why". He is the reason I became a coach and that I strive to make a business out of it. In the end as with most things I do, he is the driving force that propels me forward.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Loving life

I was sitting on my balcony reading a book and I realized just how content I am in this moment. I look up from my book and see gorgeous blue birds flying around, bluebonnets growing wild, its a peaceful view. I am truly happy and in a very good place in my life right now, which is amazing to me considering that a year ago to the date my life was a mess, and I didn't know what I was going to do.

We'd moved in with my parents in an effort to save some money, however things just weren't working out that way. After almost a year there I was at my wits end, not to mention that the cramped quarters were starting to get to all of us. I felt suffocated, and with Joe working long hard hours as a demolitions foreman, I also felt that most of the child rearing and indeed other responsibilities were left to me. Tension kept mounting and it was tearing at the very fabric of my relationship, of my little family. I knew something had to be done, and that it had to be done fast or I would be trapped in an endless rat race of working simply to pay off bills. Of living to work instead of working to live.

I knew the answer was that we needed a fresh start somewhere new, a new state with new possibilities. When I settled on Austin Tx and began preparations to move, a lot of people told me I was crazy to go some place where I didn't know anyone, and didn't even have a job yet. But I knew, I knew this was my opportunity knocking, and I was ready to fling open that door.  Yes, I was nervous but mostly determined, and I knew we could do this. In fact we HAD to do this, for Gabe, and with that motivation there was no way we could fail.

Once we got to Texas Joe was able to find work right away. I applied for and was accepted to work at an amazing company, which allows me to work from home and still take care of Gabe. This position didn't just land in my lap, I went after it vigorously, and when I was interviewed I put my all into the answers and explained just why they would need to hire me. All my hard work and belief in myself paid off and now I had the job of my dreams.

With both Joe and I working, and no child care expenses since I am at home,  life became a little easier. There are also significantly less bills which means less stress for us, as a result we are more relaxed. We were able to start spending a lot of quality time out as a family, and to really start concentrating on enjoying life, and building something wonderful here.

Now nine months later I sit on my balcony counting my blessings. I followed my dreams, I followed my heart and because of that, and the hard work we've put into it, we've built a great life here. None of this would have been possible if I'd given in to fear and stayed in NY, I shudder at the thought. I love my life now, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm always telling people now to follow their dreams, to really go balls to wall for them, because you know what?  They really do happen. I went from nothing in NYC to a great life in Texas in less than a year, all on hard work and sheer determination. Our life is so different now and we are living our dream.

So I just want to tell all of you out there, whatever your dream is, stop thinking about it and just do it. The only person stopping you from living your dream is YOU, get off your ass, stop the bullshit, and go for what you want. We live the life we want to live, I get that now.

I'm not done either, I have big dreams for Texas and I'm working towards them every single day. I realize now if I'm not doing something to forward my goals every day, then it's a wasted day. I'm working hard towards something big here and I can't wait to see where I'll be in another nine months. The sky really is the limit.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Losing weight and Changing my life

I know, I know its been forever since I last posted a blog entry. The truth is I've been very busy, continuously challenging myself, handling the demands of being a work-at-home mom, and going to school as well. The past two months have passed by in a whirlwind, and there was barely enough time to eat sitting down, much less write. However just because I haven't' been writing, doesn't mean I haven't been a busy bee. In fact just the opposite.

As you all know I have been on a path of change, changing and reshaping my life to my liking. I love Texas, and life here is a dream come true, however there was one sliver of darkness in my otherwise pleasant world. I was overweight, not chubby, not big boned, no I was very much overweight and ashamed of it. This past December I weighed in at 180lbs and was mortified, I became determined to do something about it.

I haven't always been overweight, in fact for most of my life I was in great shape, but as often happens I let my sedentary lifestyle get the best of me. In the past I tried the Scarsdale Diet, Atkins, Herbalife, Crazy Blue Chinese Tea, and a million other ways to try to lose weight fast. I was often successful in losing the weight for a while, before it came back with a vengeance.  I no longer wanted to repeat this cycle of losing weight and gaining it back, its unhealthy and not the example I want to provide for my son. Seeing as how I make sure he eats nothing but the best, I thought it was high time I treat my body right.  So no more quick fixes for me, I knew I needed to change my habits, my eating lifestyle, and learn about nutrition. But where and how?

Thankfully I have a friend who is a Beachbody coach and I approached her about my desire to lose weight and keep it off for good. Little did I know that that one conversation, the simple act of asking her for help, would change my life forever. As my Coach she suggested I try the 21 Day fix, start drinking Shakeology, and join her challenge group. So I did, because I was desperate to lose weight and I knew I couldn't do it alone.

For 21 Days I participated in her challenge group. I posted embarrassing before pictures and measurements, I put myself out there in a way I never had before. The group kept me accountable, posting pictures of what I ate every day, and sweaty workout pictures helped to keep me in check. I met the most amazing women in this group, each one on her own journey of self discovery and weight loss, and the support of the group helped me to succeed.

21 days later I had lost 22lbs, 14" of fat, and gained a world of self confidence. I learned how to eat, what to eat, and when to eat it, and my son and hubby love the food. After 21 days I was hooked on Shakeology and Beachbody. I became a coach (mostly for the great discounts), but also to help others the way I was helped. To show others that it doesn't have to be hard, that it's not impossible to lose weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I ordered a different Challenge Pack, the Les Mills Combat in order to continue on this path, and keep changing my body. I love the way my body is changing, its like having surgery without the pain or money spent. My skin is tight, muscles are forming and I've never felt better.

I will continue to eat the way I learned in he 21 Day Fix for the rest of my life, it is a great technique to keep you on the right track. There's no denying yourself, I have cookies, ice cream, I just have healthy versions of the junk they sell in stores. The 21 Day Fix helped me take control of my health and start taking my body back, and I would recommend it to anyone who has been battling their weight, and is ready for a change.

If you are tired of hiding your body, if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, and you are ready to commit to changing your life, then know that there is help out there for you. You are not alone, and all you have to do is take that first step in the right direction. Don't be afraid, you're stronger than you  think you are.

Visit my Facebook page, join one of our groups and start living the life you want:

Or visit my website to learn more about Beachbody or Shakeology:

Here's a sneak peak at the Challenge I'm doing now. The most fun I've ever had working out!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Food For Thought


       I was cooking today (pasta fagioli soup for lunch and grilled steak with veggies for diner), and I got to thinking about all the time I spend in the kitchen. I'm usually up early in the morning and with the exception of Sunday, I make breakfast every morning. This usually takes 20-45 minutes to prepare depending on what I want to make, or special requests made.

Gabe and Joe love pasta fagioli soup.

         My work day begins at 11AM, and lunch usually consists of whatever was leftover from the day before, or soup of some kind. During my lunch break I start preparing dinner, putting together the salad, and putting the main course in the oven of if required. All of this is made a little easier by the fact that on Sundays I dice up all the veggies I'll need during the week and put them in little zip lock bags ready to be used at a moments notice. I also prepare all my marinades for the week, so all I really have to do is throw everything together. However this still adds up to a lot of time in the kitchen.

       I do have some cop out meals I turn to for a quick fix if I'm too tired, sick, or working late. Chicken salad, black bean quesadillas, avocado salad, pancakes, (who doesn't love breakfast for dinner), but for the most part I find myself spending a lot of time to ensure my family is eating healthy meals. I am always on the lookout for a healthy and quick recipe that is sure to please, but this is a lot easier said than done. I have some of Rachel Ray's 20 minute meal recipes which I turn to for fast efficient dinners, but I'd love to have some more options.

      It isn't easy working from home, taking care of Gabe, and putting three meals together every day. I find myself exhausted some days wishing I could just feed everyone ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner. I love to cook, it's very relaxing to me and I love to see the smile of approval on Gabe's face as he rubs his tummy and says, "So delicious mommy", but sometimes mommy is just plain tired.

       I've decided to scour the internet and recipe books looking for fast meals that can go from conception to table in under 20 minutes. I'll post some of my favorites in case anyone out there is facing the same problem. Less time in the kitchen equals more time with our loved ones!

If anyone out there has any recipes they count on for fast healthy meals please post them in the comments section, I'd love to try them out.

A Boy and His Dog


       I've always loved dogs and for most of my childhood we always had a dog at home. It comes as no surprise that now that I've started my own family we have a family dog, Einstein. I firmly believe it is important for kids to have a pet, it teaches them responsibility and compassion, and a dog can be a great pet for a child. While Gabe is too young to take on any serious responsibility when it comes to Einstein, he does point out when it's time to fill his bowl with food or water. We take him on long walks together, and Einstein loves nothing more than to lay down next to Gabe while he is playing.
       It has been such a pleasure watching my little man learn to interact with his dog, and seeing that special bond form. They've become the best of friends and it's given Gabe more confidence to go out and explore the world around him. Einstein never seems to mind that Gabe can be heavy handed, or that his hugs feel more like a death grip, and in return Gabe looks the other way as Einstein samples his leftovers. They've become conspirators with Einstein nudging Gabe towards the kitchen when he sees something coming out of the oven, and Gabe whispering to Einstein to go get his leash so I'll take them both outside.

      I love watching them run around outside together, Gabe laughing loudly and Einstein obediently at his side. Gabe is in a pirate phase and he wants to bury very penny he finds, declaring it his treasure. Einstein loves this game since digging holes is one of his special skills, and they have treasure buried all up and down the trails. Of course later on when Gabe insists that Einstein find his treasure so they can dig it up, more hilarity ensues.

The start of Gabe's treasure path, his pennies buried all up and down the trail.  

     I look forward to watching Gabe and his loyal companion grow up together, watching that bond strengthen. I imagine all the adventures they will have as Gabe gets older, going fishing, hunting, and exploring the world around them. It brings a smile to my face watching them both now, fast asleep, Gabe in his bed and Einstein on the floor right beside him.

       I am thankful for this wonderful dog, who found us and burrowed his way into our hearts to become part of our family. He lights up Gabe's life and is a calming influence on the rest of us. Indeed he is living up to his name quite nicely and has been a great addition to the family.

Einstein, our beloved companion 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

An Un-Perfect Day

       It naturally follows that after a wonderful perfect day, comes an un-perfect day, it's like a law of nature or something. Joe's day off from work turned into another day home because he came down with a cold, which in turn means there's a mess of tissues and cups surrounding him on the couch. Now I am not some kind of monster, who would ignore her loved one while he lies in feverish misery, but this could not have come at a worse time.  I am working on a major project at work, and had several teleconferences scheduled throughout the day. I work from home, and while that makes things a little easier with Gabe, I do still need a modicum of peace and quiet to get some work done.

       Even though Joe is sick and laying prone on the couch, when Gabe and him get together the noise level rises to 100, and loud crashes and bangs ensue. So this is what you could hear in the background while I virtually attended meetings at work:

"Baby...I need OJ please!"

"I'LL GET IT DADDY!!"  Followed by the crash of juice spilling everywhere when Gabe tried to pour it into a cup.

"Mum, daddy sick need happy birthday cake now".  I completely ignore this request, which to Gabe suggests that he must get the cake on his own. He accomplishes this by reaching in and grabbing a handful of chocolate cake and taking it, dripping chocolate the whole way, to daddy.

"Look Daddy tricks!" Followed by a giant crash, but since I heard no cries I didn't get up to investigate.

"I NEED TISSUES AND CHICKEN SOUP PLEASE". Shortly followed by, "I'm still hungry, can you make steak babe?"

"Mommy, love daddy make steak please. Or how about cookies mommy?"

       My entire day revolved around cooking some kind of a snack or other every hour, and cleaning up a giant mess. I love my family like crazy, but today I just wanted to run way. I couldn't get any work done, and had to sign out of an important meeting because the noise level and insanity had become unbearable. I almost lost my shit, but instead opted to leave for 40 minutes and head to the gym to work out the frustration. Then I came home and baked cookies. Now its almost 8PM, Gabe is fast asleep, Joe has fallen into a cookie coma, and I get to relax with a glass of wine and all the episodes of  Warehouse 13 I want to watch. And the cookies, lets not forget the cookies.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Perfect Day

      My definition of a perfect day has changed dramatically since Gabe entered our lives. Before Gabe a perfect day usually involved sleeping late and going some place with Joe that most likely involved food and cocktails. Now a perfect day is one where things go smoothly, Gabe eats everything I set out in front of him, we get to enjoy a leisurely stroll along the trails, or pretending to be pirates on an adventure, and I can have dinner ready and on the table at a reasonable time. Oh and a long shower, as opposed to my usual five minute race against the clock to make sure Gabe doesn't do anything crazy. On those rare perfect days, when everything goes just right, and dinner and dessert are ready to go, I feel like Martha Stewart and Wonder Woman all rolled into one.

       Today was one of those perfect days where everything went just right. I awoke to soft kisses on my face, and the gentle whisper of  "Wake up. Crêpes please mommy".  It didn't matter that it was six in the morning and I could use more sleep, that gentle pleading was enough to have me up and making strawberry crêpes in no time. Once breakfast was done I got to sit in the living room with my little man watching the latest dinosaur documentary on Amazon Prime, and enjoying some delicious crêpes. I love listening to his ever expanding vocabulary as he names the different types of dinosaurs and tells me all about his pretend adventures with them.

       After breakfast we built a fort, and I was a helpless captive as Gabe ordered to "walk plank now!". We played together for a few hours before Joe woke up an announced that he had the day off. This was met with shouts of "Daddy go park, get sneakers, lets go go go!". So off we went to through the trails and to the park to feed the ducks. All in all it was a splendid day, one filled with laughter and joy. I loved every minute of it.

                                  Gabe driving happily through the trails to the park.

      The importance of enjoying every moment we have with our loved ones was made clearer to me later in the evening when I spoke with my mom. She tearfully informed me that one of our relatives was diagnosed with cancer, and is undergoing treatment. In that moment every memory I had with this relative flashed before me. I remembered watching her get ready for a night out, and being fascinated by her beauty rituals. I love this woman, whom I rarely ever see but so fondly remember, she is family, and knowing she is going through this is heartbreaking.

       It is also a reminder that none of us knows what the future holds, or when our time will come. It is important to hold your loved ones, appreciate the time you have with them, and express that love whenever possible. I know that hearing that news made me cry, but it also made me appreciate my family and the time I get to spend with them. There are no truly perfect days, we have to create them for ourselves. The future is uncertain, the past already gone, but the present is a gift. So go out there and enjoy every minute of life and all the beauty it brings with it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A World of Wonder

      I made several New Years resolutions for 2014, and one of them was to finally do something about my desire to write, to put my words out there for others to read. I decided to start a blog, and the only thing left was to choose what type of blog it would be. Since I'm a new mom who just moved her family half way across the country (New York to Texas), in search of a better life, I figured I'd start with that. All that was left was to think of was a title for my blog. Being a fan of Lewis Carroll, and as bewildered and enchanted by motherhood as Alice was by Wonderland, the name came easy enough.

      Through the looking glass. That's exactly what I feel like I fell through ever since Gabe's big eyes met mine when they put him in my arms. It has been an amazing and wondrous journey.

The day my life changed forever 10/20/2011

One filled with laughter, delight, frustration, tears, visits to the doctor and loud sounds. That's the one thing I learned fast, if you have a boy (specially one who likes to scale walls, or "do tricks" ) get ready for a lot of breathless moments, and loud crashes.

      While it may seem like just yesterday when they placed him in my arms, two years have passed, and in those two years this little man has changed my life, and engulfed me in the purest love I've ever known. He lit a fire in my soul (and under my ass) forcing me reevaluate my priorities, and get started on providing him the best life possible. He changed Joe (Daddy) as well, from a determined bachelor, into a family man who can spend hours playing with his son on a Saturday afternoon.

      It was because of Gabe that we drove away from New York, the place that was home, to Texas and towards our future. It seemed like a crazy move to many at first, but we knew that here we could give Gabe the life we wanted for him, and give ourselves a fresh start as a family. God must have been on our side, because this was the best decision we could have made. Life in Austin, Texas is better than we imagined, and seeing Gabe run around outside everyday, exploring the outdoors with a happy smile and dirty hands, is proof enough that we made the right decision.

                                           Enjoying the pool at our apartment complex

                                                                  Joe LOVES Texas.

       I won't say it was easy, because it wasn't, but six months later we are settled into our new lives. We both have jobs we love, a beautiful home, and time to go out with Gabe and explore the beauty of Texas. I was able to put my degree and past work experience to use, which landed me a fabulous job with an amazing company. I work from home which means Gabe can stay home with me, and we don't lose the quality time I've come to cherish. Of course it also means that sometimes while I'm working, and on the phone, you can hear the wild shouts of  "I'm a GIANT T-Rex ARRRGGGGGHHH". But hey that's life with a two year old.

                                                              Gabe's first pony ride

     I am grateful everyday for Gabe and all the wonder he has brought into our lives. I will strive to be the best mom I can be, and not pull all my hair out in the process. I look forward to the future and the little adventures that everyday life with Gabe brings.