
Monday, July 13, 2015

Wedding Chaos

There are six days left until our WEDDING DAY!!!! I can't believe it, the moment is almost upon us. The moment we have spent the last two years waiting and planning for, the day we officially become man and wife. So it's down to the last week before the wedding, things are set in motion, and so of course all hell breaks loose, and chaos tries to take over. I don't know about other, more organized brides, but my last week has been spent trying to put out fires and coordinate what seems to be an absolute mess. Of course the whole thing is made easier by the fact that I am deliriously happy and full of happy buzzing energy. So what happened to turn my last week into such a crazy, insane mess? Well sit down, grap a cup of coffee, and allow me to entertain you.
                                                  The major shopping was out of the way.

The first rumblings that disaster lurked around the corner, was the notable absence of the individual who had graciously donated their business establishment for the reception. Feeling in my gut that something was amiss, I insisted to Joe that we drive by just to see who was there. Well an eviction sign is what was there, informing everyone that the premises where now closed and would remain so. It was a blow, and so close to the wedding that my stress level rose by 100, and I started to think wildly of what I could do. Chairs, tables, dinnerware, oh my! My mind was spinning with all the In a move that shows exactly why this man is the one for me, my balance, my partner, Joe calmly said, "We'll just have it at our place and it will be great, you just wait and see".  And you know what? He was right.

                            This man just gets me, is it any wonder I am madly in love with him?

In the past 3 days he has helped me get this place ready for the reception, the celebration of our vows before God and those closest to us. He has worked wonders, even going so far as to create a fishpond, with waterfall and all. While I spent the weekend running around looking for quick décor, cake tasting, last minute wardrobe changes, and other insanity, Joe worked is ass off to create a picturesque wonderland. Is it any wonder I am completely and madly in love with this man?

We are ready for the celebration, ready to say our vows, and have everyone over to our place for some fun. Yes this weekend was insane, and there were definitely some hair pulling moments, but we pulled through it without a misstep, proving to ourselves that we work well as a team, and are ready to handle what life throws at us. Next Sunday we make a promise before God that we will be there for each other from now until death do us part, and it's something we take very seriously, and which we can't wait to celebrate.

My advice to other soon to be brides, is to just roll with the punches. You can plan everything down to the last detail, and there will still be the unexpected happening. Maybe your caterer cancels last minute, or you lose weight and your dress has to be altered, only now you gained 3lbs and silently worry it won't fit. Expect the unexpected, and enjoy the ride.

I still have 6 days left, and I am sitting back, writing my vows, and taking in every second. The last few days of maidenhood (HAHAHAHAHAHA, I couldn't even write that without laughing), in six days I will become a Chiaverini, officially a married woman. I still can't believe it. I am ready, after all we are already one hell of a team. :)