
Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Why

Today was Mother's Day and I spent it enjoying a nice hike with my family. As we walked up Mt. Bonnell I thought about all the wonderful blessings in my life right now, and how hard we've worked to get to where we are. I felt content in the moment, and peaceful as I observed my fiancé and son explore their surroundings.

I also thought about a question people seem to ask me a lot lately: "Why did you become a Beachbody coach, you already have a great job?". This is a question I've been struggling to answer for quite some time now, and it seemed to me there were so many different reasons, Then today as I watched my 2 1/2 year old son walk 100 steps to the top (never once stopping for a break), and continue to hike for another 45 minutes before announcing he was tired, I realized exactly why I am doing this. I am doing it for him. For the same reason I uprooted us and moved to Texas, in order to better his life. Maybe you are asking yourself, "How is being a Beachbody coach going to better your son's life?". I'll get to that in just a second.


At first the goal was simple: lose weight, regain control of my health, and teach Gabe how to eat healthy. So initially I became a Beachbody coach simply to get the great discounts on the products that were helping me reclaim my health and body. I saw the pounds and inches coming off and I actually looked forward to my daily workout, I learned how, what and when to eat, and I loved it. I saw the benefits to my family immediately. There was no more junk food in the house, soda was banished from our fridge, and we started to engage in outdoor activities every weekend. I saw my family becoming healthier day by day. When your toddler tells you tomato is his favorite fruit, you know you're doing something right.

I was also welcomed into an amazing team of people, all determined individuals, working the Beachbody business and changing lives. I met some amazing women and saw how they made this business work for them , and for some this became a main source of income. I looked a little more into it and saw that about 20% of all Beachbody coaches make it to income levels of  $7000 or better a month. So naturally I thought to myself, "Well why can't that be me?". So I set out to learn everything I could, and participate in all the groups and events. It wasn't long before I had some money coming in, and was helping people in ways I hadn't thought possible before. Sure, the money coming in is small amounts, nothing over $500 a month yet, but that small amount makes a big difference to me and my family. It's extra money for food, or activities, or as it turns out a 2 bedroom apartment upgrade. Now that I know it can be done I am determined to grow my business, to become one of the 20% and use that money to become financially independent.

So yes I do have a great career working from home for an amazing company, but I decided to invest in Beachbody, and really in myself, because I saw an opportunity for greatness. I picture my business growing allowing me to invest the money in mutual funds, or other long term investments, all for Gabe's benefit. So not only am I losing weight, and my family is getting healthy, but now I am making money for our future as well. Oh and I'm making this money by helping others, who like me are lost on the path to weight loss. What's not to love?

In the end Gabe is my "Why". He is the reason I became a coach and that I strive to make a business out of it. In the end as with most things I do, he is the driving force that propels me forward.